Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Secret of Death


 Once there lived an old woman in a remote village. She lost her son when a snake bit him.  She was of advanced age and had only son to live with. The lady was making her living by collecting firewood and after exchanging for grains. Her son was helping her in household work. She cried for sometime and cursed her fate.

A hunter on his way saw the old lady sitting with the body of her son. He came to know that the boy died due to snakebite. He asked the lady where the snake is. He brought it by tying it to a rope, and asked her, ‘ oh lady, this is the killer worm, shall I hit him to death by my arrow’? the kind lady asked him not to do so, since it is a sin to kill a creature. She added that death has come in this form to her son. Those who are born are destined to die by one or another reason. Killing the snake is just an incident destined to happen.

The hunter replied: I know this. But the innocent boy is killed by this snake, what is wrong in killing him? It has bit this boy for no reason or provocation. He deserves death. The lady said: I am not angry with the creature, I don’t even cry much at this, let it go. By killing snake, do you think my son comes back to life?

The hunter said: killing a poisonous creature is not bad, better to kill such dangerous ones. She replied: You have captured him, forgive and let the snake go. Hunter was not convinced. He said: by killing snake are you not saving lives of many others?

The lady insisted: any way by killing him, my son will never be back to life, why commit another sin of killing snake? By then, the snake replied: It is not my fault, the god of death inspired me to kill him. The hunter replied: that might be the reason, but you are the  sinner since you have bitten the boy’.

Soon, the lord of death appeared and said: I was ordered by Kaala, the lord of Time to kill him, what can I do? All have to follow the discipline of time, Sun raises on time, it rains during certain days, even rivers and Ocean follow time in one way or another. This being the case, who has to be blamed for death?

Then the Kala, lord of time appeared. He spoke to the hunter and the mother: no one is the cause of death of this boy. It is his only his Karma, deeds he does. Karmas inspire us to do what we do, we are ruled by our Karmas, past or present’. Karma, the action and Karta, the doer are always connected. Hence, all said and done, this boy is the reason for his death,” so said Kala. The old lady then told the hunter: ‘Now you leave this poor snake, let him go’. The people who had come there disbursed.

This story gives us a message that Death is natural to all those who are born. The reasons might differ, depending on time and circumstances.\

(Story  from Mahabharatam)
