Saturday, August 28, 2010

Vishvagunadarsha Champu

 A couple of years ago,   Text Book in Sanskrit  for  BBM II Semester  Classes, Bangalore  University,  was supposed to teach my  Students prescribed by the Bangalore University, Vishvagunadarsha Champu, written by by Venkatadhvari of 17th century,   appeared very sectarian and partisan in its content and  presentation. Such a book is most unwelcome in a University Syllabus. I had made  some  of my observations as below: . 

History records that  Venkatadhvari,  or Venkatesha  Deekskhitar  was born in  Adayapalyam, a small village near Kancheepuram in Tamil Nadu in the family of  noted scholar Appayya Deekhitar. He later served   in the Court   of a Mughal King, in about 1650 A.D.( Probably Jehangir)   There are many anecdotes on his powers of Bhakti to mother Piratti, Mahalakshmi. Once, some miscreants tied stone to his neck in jealousy against his scholarship. He composed Lakshmee Sahasranama stotram and got relieved of the hardship.  He is believed to have travelled widely across India and visited many Pilgrim centers, in India. 

The Champu has two imaginary characters, Krishanu and Vishvavasu, travelling in sky visiting and in conversation, record their observation in  various pilgrim centers in  South India and commenting on its people and their behavior. One is praising the place of visit  and  people  there,  and  the  other deplores the same, citing their drawbacks and short comings.  There are some derogatory comments on the State of Karnataka and  its people, particularly the Madhva sect of Brahmanas.

The Book opens with a statement by a narrator: 
 हन्त! कथमभिनन्दयसि निन्दनीयमिदं देशं? 
 Hanta kathamabhinandayasi Nindaneeyamidam desham? …
The land  of Karnataka is highly deplorable. How can you praise it?  The Chapter has a title  Karnaataka Desha Varnanam !
The Book has 2 sections. The First Chapter is about Karnataka, followed by Kancheevarnanam , where the poet is highly respectful and  mild. But when he comes to the description of Rajatapeethapuram, present Udupi,  in Karnataka, he is highly derogatory about the Mathadhipatis there  and describes them as rich and luxurious:
 graavavyoodamate sthitijusho dhanyaa hi sannyaasinah  
ग्रावव्यॊढ मठे स्थितिजुषो धन्या हि संयासिनः! 
-  He gives a report that they have built strong stone buildings, blessed are they  and  common people  are seen begging on streets !! I doubt whether Venkatadhvarin, a great scholar ever visited Udupi at all !! He might have mistaken Haridasas, saints of Karnataka as beggars. He spits venom on people of Udupi, for reasons best known only to him, as a Tamilian. 
He says, people of Karnataka, fail to differentiate between a Pandita and a fool!!
I am not aware of such a poverty in Udupi, anytime. This might be a sarcastic reference to Haridasas of Karnataka.  He also feels that sanyasis  in Udupi  travel in carriers, carried by men. That was the custom of those days of every king or swamiji. Even swamijis of Advaita and Vishistadvaita tradition  were travelling this way. Walking was always there, when they visited Temples & Pilgrim Centers.
Alongwith this, he passes personal remarks on Ekadashi, a fasting day once in 15 days, till today for pious Madhwas. Venkatadhvari concludes the chapter with a remark:  व्रात्या इहात्र अमी - vraatyaa ihatyaa amee, People all are devoid of Vedic customs (Heretics!)  in  the state of Karnataka! He says they do not even offer  Morning and Evening  prayers to Sun God.  ( Sandhyavandanam
The champu itself has a weird ending! When one of the narrators  comments on  several malpractices at Sri Venkateshvara Temple at  Tirumala, both of them lose their eyesights. It was later regained by prayers to Goddess Mahalakshmi. 
The events what  might have happened in Seventeenth  century in South India, among different sects of Brahmin community  and others are  totally irrelevant to the present day Students. They do  not convey any Social Message to them  either. 
They only tell us how people of different sects quarrelled each other which later lead to the British to rule us for nearly 300 years! !!!

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