Sunday, April 12, 2020

Srimad Bhagavatanukramanika- Contents -1

Sri Vadiraja Tirtha Swamiji, is very unique among Madhwa Swamis. his contribution to Sutra Prashana is immense, with vigour. however, many of us are unaware of his unique Index-Anukramanika to Srimad Bhagavata Mahapuranam, which only he could do after Madhva's Tatparya. it is a small yet very useful work in 117 stanzas summarizing the entire content of this Purana Raja. 

रमाया रमणं नत्वा तुरन्गवदनं हरिं |
अनुक्रमनिकाध्यायं व्याकरिष्ये यथामति || 

Sri Vadiraja Yati begins his index with an invocation to lord Hayavadana, his Upasya Murti. there are 20 chapters on Skandha I. how the great Purana emerged, after Mahabharata war, death of Duryodhana, death of Bhishma,  Krishna returns to Dwaraka, saves the embryo in Uttara's womb, death of Gandhari, Dhritarashtra, lamenting of Pandavas, their return to original forms of DEvaras-Yama, Indra, Vayu, Ashwini twins. after death of Pandavas, Pareekshit assumes the rule of Hastinapura.  During a hunting spree, he is cursed, and destined to be killed by a snake. Sri Shuka Muni, son of Bhagavan Vedavyasa arrives and relates him Sri Krishna Katha and a valuable message of Bhagavata Dharma to him.

There are 10 adhyayas here. The greatness of Cosmic form- Vishvaroopa is described in this Skndha along with Yoga-Dharana and Mukti. how to attain Sri Vasudeva is put in  here. The first step will be Virakti- renunciation. Prana Yoga is also a topic described here. after that, formation of Cosmic egg- Brahmanda.  How Charurmukha Brahma was created by Sri Vishnu is described along with his great tapas. Bhakti stotra by Shukamuni comes here.  Then the boon received by him. 

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