Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yuktimallika of Sri Vadiraja Swamiji - Contents

Sri Vadirajaru was a great Yogi &a genius, who brought Madhva Shastra to commoners. See his Yuktimallika, at a glance. It proves in 5 Sourabhas, the Greatness of Sri Hari by Yuktis (Maxims )., Logic and  common sense. It is Philosophy of Common sense.

I am overwhelmed with these two Padyas from Yukti Mallika , which each sensible Madhva should read. I recite these two shlokas each day.
भक्त्या स्तुत्या विरक्त्या भजदमलजनौन्यत्यभूत्यर्पकाय
क्षित्यामत्यल्पभ्रुत्येश्वापि कुजन कुतौद्धत्यभूत्याजकाय ॥
कर्त्रे धर्त्रे च हर्त्रे हयमुखहरयेमुत्र पात्रे नमस्ते
तस्मै कस्मैचिदस्मन्मनसि धृतकथाविस्मृतौ स्मारकाय ॥१॥
A wonderful Mangalacharana by Prasangabharana teertharu ( Swamiji was given a title of an extempore poet of high order),  indeed. He prays Lord Hayagreeva with all devotion to remind him, what he might forget to write in this Book of Yuktis, to help Hari Bhaktas & Shut the mouth of Stupid Mayavadins. He is the Creator, Protector, and  Dissolves this Universe, and takes very important role in composing this work, Yukti Mallika, a Garland of Yuktis, compared to Jasmine flowers.

पारं भवाख्य्जलधे: भुवनैकसारं
 स्वैरं कृतोरुविधवेदपथप्रचारं ।
आरन्जितामरगणं सुखचिछरीरम्
 धीरं स्मरामि हृदि सत्यवतीकुमारम् ॥
 - युक्तिमल्लिका.

- I pray Lord Vedavyasa, who made Vedas available to us, can keep Gods & Humans happy by his grace, and has a form of Jnana, Ananda ( Sacchidananda) .
यत्पूर्वं त्वमपूर्वसिन्धुमतरत:
 परमदससंशन्ति संत: क्शितौ ॥
चित्रं जैत्र ! भवच्छरित्रमधुना यद वेदवार्धिं
तरन्नित्यं कोटि सहस्रयोजनमपि त्वं राजवद्राजसे ॥॥

He Acharya! in all your three Avataras you have crossed th
e ocean. AS Hanuma, you had crossed the Ocean of Waters, as Bhimasena, the Ocean of Kourava army, as Madhva, you have indeed climbed up & down the Himalayas. You are the real Emperor of Vedanta Samrajya.

न वित्तैरुन्मत्ता न च कुहक दुर्मन्त्रबलिनो 
न वा मिश्रैर्मिश्रा न च कुजन साचिव्य सहिता: ॥
न दुस्शास्त्रं शस्त्रं विरसमुपजीव्योद्धतधियो 
हयग्रीवं देवं वयमिममुपास्येव कृतिन : ॥

- Sri Rajaru proclaims: We( I am ) are not attracted by money to write this, or inspired by wicked mantra Shakti, not for misleading public, with bad advisers, not based on any wicked Shastra learning, but know you all that we are composing this only by the grace of Lord Hayavadana & could write this work.

व्यासाय भवनाशाय श्रीषया गुनराशये ॥

ह्रुद्य्य शुद्धविद्याय माधवाय च नमो नाम : ॥॥

श्रीशस्ते सुश्रियं दद्यात् आयुर्वयुसुतप्रिय: : ॥

भूमिं ते वामनो दद्यात् हरीन्हन्तु नृकेसरी ॥॥

Yuktimallika has 5 Sourabhas:
1. Guna Sourabha 2. Shuddhi Sourabha 3. Bheda Sourabha 4. Vishva Sourabha 5. Phala Sourabha.


1. Guna Sourabha - Sarva gunapoornatva of Sri Hari,
 2. Shuddhi Sourabha - Dosha Dooratva,
 3. Jeeveshvara Bheda in Bheda Sourabha, 
4. jagat Janmadi Karanatva in 5. Vishva Sourabha  and  finally 5. Phala Sourabha details on Veda Apourusheyatva and Summary of Phaladhyaya of Brahma Sutra.

Yuktimallika has a commentary by Sri Surottama Tirtha, purvashrama brother of Vadiraja. 


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