Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sri Rama Charitra Manjaree of Rayaru

Sri Rayaru composed Ramacharitrya & Krishna CHaritrya Manjarees, summarising the Stories of Ramayana & bHagavata as approved by Acharya Madhwa, in his MBTN. Ramacharitrya Manjaree has12 Shlokas beautifully comopsed in Shragdhara meter very dear to Acharya.

  • श्रीमान् पूर्वं प्रजातो दशरथनृपते: रामनामाथ नीतो
  • विश्वामित्रेण मंत्राहृदनुजसहित: ताटकां घातकोस्त्रम् ।
  • ब्रह्माद्यं प्राप्य हत्वा निशिचरनिकरं यज्नपालो
  • विमोच्याहल्याशापं च भंक्त्वा शिवधनुरुपयन् जानकीं न: प्रसीदेत् ।।१॥
Sri Ramacharitrya Manjaree of Sri Raghavendra Guru Sarvabhoumaru.( MangalacharaNa Shloka.
 आयन् रामस्सभार्योध्वानि निज सहजैर्भार्वेश्वास रोषात्
तद्गं हत्वा सुरारिं पुरगा इव उत नुतस्तपसै: भ्प्प प्रुश्तै: :|
कल्यनानन्तधर्मोगुनलव रहित: प्रानिनामन्तरात्मेत्याद्युक्त
स्चाभिषेके पुरजन महितो मःयतां मे वचोभि: ॥॥When Rama was returning to Ayodhya with Seeta & brothers, he was faced by Parashurama, his own Roopa, and killed Asura in him, got Vaishna Dhanus from Him, and was recieved by people of Ayodhya. Let Sri Ramachandra Prabhu be pleased by my words.The Asura was by name Tapomaya. He was given a boon by Brahma dEva.

कैकेयी प्रीतिहेतो: ससहाजनृपजो वल्कली याननारण्यं
गन्गातारी गुहार्च्य: कृतरुचिरजटो गीष्पते: पुत्रमन्य: ॥
तीर्त्वा कृष्णां प्रयातोवतु निजममलं चित्रकूटं प्रपन्नं
स्वान्बाभिर्भ्रातरं तं श्रुतजनकगतिस्सन्त्वयन्व्यु
प्ततीर्थ: ॥॥
Sri Rama, just to please Kaikeyi set to the forest with his brother, crossed Ganga,was honoutred by BHaradwaja( son of Brihaspati), crossed Yamuna, reached Chitrakoota. He learnt the death of Dasharatha, gave Tarpanam to him, and proceeded further.

दत्वास्मै पादुके स्वे क्षितिभरणकृतौ
प्रेष्य तं काकनेत्रं व्यस्यरध्योत्रिनाम्ना
वनमथसमितो दण्डकं तापसेष्टं ॥
कुर्वन हत्वा विराधं खलकुलदमनं
यचितस्तापसग्रै: तेषां दत्वाभयं स्वानसि
धनुरिषुधीन्यागस्त्यात्सा पायात् ॥
     He then handed his Padukas to Bharata,on request to rule Ayodhya in His name, killed Kakasura, was welcomed by Atri Rishi, and granted Moksha to Sharabhanga muni, killed Viradha, and finally went to Agasya's AShrama with his bow & arrows on request by Sages of Dandaka forest.५. आसीन: पन्चवट्यां अकुरुत विकृतां राक्षसीं
    यो द्विसप्त क्रव्यादानप्यनेकानथ खरमवधीत् दूषणं च त्रिशीर्शम् ।
    मारीचं मार्गरूपं दशवदन हृतामाकृतिं भूमिजाया:
    अन्विश्यन्नार्त गृध्रं स्वगतिमथ नयन् मामवेत् घ्नन् कबंधम् ॥Sri Ramachandra settlled for a while in Panchavatee, defaced Shoopanakhaa (by cutting her nose through Laksmana ), killed Khara, Dooshana, TRishiras & many monsters, and Mareecha in the form of a Deer, and when a replica of Sita was taken away by Ravana, went in search of her, on the way he granted Moksha to Jatayu. Later he killed Kabandha. Let HIm bless us
    6. पम्पातीरं .....
    Sri Rama went along river Pampa, was pleased with the bhAKTI OF sHABARI, & BLESSED HER WITH mUKTI. Then he met Sugreeva, chief of Monkey tribe, and won his friendship through Hanuman. He killed his brother Vali, son of Surya, by shooting an arrow standing behind 7 pam trees. he rested for a few days in a cave of Malyavanta hill.
    7. Neetvaa...
    Sri Rama spent four months in Malyavanta hill, sent mokies in all directions, Hanuman went towards South, to Lanka. He burnt Lanka, but was greeted by Vibheeshana, Ravana's brither. He Returned to Kishkindha, gave Chudamani to Rama, built a bridge across the Ocean, conqured Lanka. Let Sri Ramachandra protect us.

    ८. भग्नं .....
    he defeated Ravana, killed Kumbhakarna, his brother, summoned Garuda tom relese Lakshmana from Naga Pasha, laid by Indrajit.Second time Hanuman brought Gndha madana hill to  fetch SAnjivani herbs from , to release Rama & Lakshmana fron Naga Pasha again.

    ९. क्रव्यादं ...
    Sri Ramachandra killed many Rakshasas, sons of Ravana, and lastly Ravana. Gods showered flowers on Rama from heaven, on his Victory. He secured Seeta from Kailasa, through Agni. Maya Sita  ( Vedavatee) was made to enter fire enthroned Vibheeshana on the throneof Lanka, returned to Ayodhya in Pushpaka Vimana.

    १०. रक्षन्......
    Sri Rama ascended the throne of Ayodhya, honoured Hanuman with Ratna Hara, made BHarara the YUvaraja. he instructed Lakshmana to take care of Law & order of the Empire. He saved a Dog, who came to pray him, killedShambooka, ashudra Tapasvi, through saved a Brahmana's son. Lavanasura was killed by shatrughna.

    ११. यज्नं ....
    Sri Rama performed Ashvamedha Yaga, killed some more Asuras, installed his sons, Lava & kUsha, as hissuccessors, returned to his Molla Roopa in Shveta Dweepa. Let Him bless us.
    १२. इति स्री रामचारित्र मन्जरी ..
    WE pray that this Rama charitra Manjaree, composed by Raghavendra Yati, in short, bring the grace of Moola Rama to all who read this.

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