Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Madhvas in Karnataka are mainly comprised of Deshastha and Aruvattokkalu sects. While some Deshasthas spoke Marathi in those areas, others spoke onlly Kannada. Shasthtikas are 60 families of various Gotras migrated to Karnataka from Ahichatrapura, Punjab, during Pre-Vijayanagar period.

ಷಾಷ್ಟಿಕ ವಂಶ ಪ್ರದೀಪ ( Aruvattu Okkalu) of Dr Ranya Raja rao, published in 1981 says Madhva Gurus like Sri Akshobhya tirtha, Jayatirtha, Sripadaraja, Vyasaraja, Vijayindra, Vibudhendra- Raghavendra Tirtha  (Bigamudre - of keeping keys ) were  born in the celebrated families of Ministers of Jamakhandi Province, ruled by various rulers. 
The ancestors of Yatis, belonging to 27 Gotras were highly intelligent, wise, some warriors, finance advisors, Commandants of the Empire. Sri Akshobhya was paternal uncle of  Jayatirtha, Rajendra Tirtha,  Sripadaraja, Brahmanya Tirtha, Vyasatirtha were born in matrilineal line of the family. The 227 Page book is now relegated to the background.

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