Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Arjuna, ruler of Mahishmati

Yadu dynasty is very ancient family of Kings, Chieftains and warriors, and naturally finds a prominent place in Mahabharata and Bhagavata. Several great kings were born in this lineage. While king Yadu had five sons, the family continued later with great names up to Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Arjuna, better known as Kartaviryarjuna, belongs to this family. He was born as one among grandsons of Kanaka, whose forefathers were rulers of cities of Vranaasi and Mahishmati on the banks of Ganga.  They belonged to Hehaya clan of Yadus. Arjuna was a brave son of Kritavirya. Hence his name Kartaviryarjuna.

Arjuna was born brave and adventurous, mastered art of warfare and other branches of learning, which prepared him to be a worthy successor of his father. He was a great devotee of Bhagavan Dattatreya, an avatar of Sri Vishnu. He observed  severe penance to have blessings of Dattatreya. He was granted one thousand arms whenever  he needed to attack an enemy. Lord Dattatreya blessed him with 4 boons. He was already blessed with one thousand arms. Apart from this, he requested another strange boon:

अधर्मे वर्तमानस्य सद्भिः तत्र निवारणं

Adharme vartamanasya sadbhih tatra nivaranam’-

whenever he went against Dharma, by any means, some noble soul should correct him’.

The third boon was:

सङ्ग्रामान् सुबहून कृत्वा  हत्वा वीरान सहस्रशः

‘ I need to rule the entire earth keeping my subjects happy and peaceful’, by  waging wars and if necessary, killing other heroes who obstructed my way’ .

The fourth boon he requested the lord was:

संग्रामे वर्तमानस्य वधं चाप्यधिकद्रणे

‘in case I die during a war, that killer  person shall be very much stronger than me’.

Bhagavan Dattatreya granted all four boons requested by him. Hence, Arjuna grew up as strongest warrior prince of his times. He would get 1000 arms whenever he needed them. By this, he could win over all 7 dvipas ( great island states), known for prosperity in his time.  He successfully conducted 100 yajnas there for the good of his subjects, pleasing various dieties.

Arjuna the great, was known for his generosity towards the poor, scholars, brahmanas, the weak and helpless. He was a household name in provinces he ruled, due to his benevolent nature.

There was a saying during his time:

नूनं कार्तवीर्यस्य  गतिम् यास्यन्ति पार्थिवाः

यज्ञैः दानैः तपोभिर्वा विक्रमेण श्रुतेन वा||

-         None can equal Kartvaveeryarjuna in performing either yajnas, giving gifts, tapas, and bravery and knowledge indeed’.

Kartavirya Arjuna, even threatened Ravana, great ruler of Lanka, humiliated him taking him a captive to his city of Mahishmati.  Later Pulastya, grandfather of Ravana, and a great Rishi has to get him released  from this captivity. Arjuna,

though a great Yogi-warrior against cruel kings of his times, once did a grave mistake of burning the Ashrama of great Rishi, Vasishta.

Vashishta cursed him: ‘You might have done several good deeds ,since  you have burnt away my Ashrama, you will certainly be killed by another braver person’. He also predicted who will kill him!

रामो नाम  महाबाहुः जामदग्न्यः प्रतापवान 

तपस्वी ब्राह्मणश्च त्वां  वधिष्यति भार्गवः ||

‘Arjuna! know for sure, you will be killed by a brave Brahmana warrior by name Rama,  very soon’.

After some time, Arjuna the great was killed by Bhagavan Parashurama, son of Jamadagni, and an avatar of Mahavishnu,  when the latter started killing all Kshatriyas on earth’.

( Source: Harivamsham, ch. 34)



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